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Drawn from the top American business books by journalist John Eckberg, each daily Pot of Gold entry offers inspiration, insight, wit and wisdom. Excerpts are smart, informative and entertaining.
Historical facts, events and people that make Ohio a fascinating place. Each day of the year contains an interesting reference devoted to the Buckeye State. Informative, entertaining and educational.
Business and Management Daily Quote
Business and management tips, terms, facts, websites, history, events and knowledge in a calendar. Each day of the year contains an interesting reference devoted to business and management. Informative, entertaining and motivational.
Insurance facts, terms, people, websites, history, and events in a calendar. Each day of the calendar year contains an interesting reference devoted to the Insurance industry. Practical, informative and entertaining.
Practical tips and advice along with quotes, facts, and informative websites, to help you save more money. Each day of the calendar year contains a unique money-saving entry. Informative, practical and motivational.
Health and Fitness Daily Quote
Health and fitness facts, terms, tips, information, websites, and knowledge in a calendar. Each day of the calendar year contains an interesting reference devoted to make you healthier, more fit, and more happy. Practical, informative, and motivating.
Each day of the calendar year presents a new top five list compiled from sports, music, films, society, and more. Entertaining and educational.